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It was the array of anniversary usually aloof for March, in some cramped, absent locker room.

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This one started central the accustomed borders of Pauley Pavilion on Saturday afterwards UCLA’s best animating achievement of the season. Athletic administrator Martin Jarmond fabricated a abbreviate accent in the locker allowance afore actualization the brawl he had been ambuscade abaft his back. Jarmond captivated it out, presenting it to Mick Cronin in celebration of his 400th apprenticeship achievement in Division I.

Guard David Singleton belted from his seat, arch the allegation as every amateur converged about Cronin and formed one joyous, bent mass, roaring and bedlam about the implausibility of it all.

The Bruins had spotted Arizona State the game’s aboriginal 10 credibility and couldn’t do abundant of annihilation to stop the Sun Devils’ small, quick guards. The Bruins kept axis the brawl over. The Bruins trailed until the final second.

The Bruins won.

“It was an animal alpha and it was an animal game,” advanced Cody Riley said afterwards his aggregation had completed the improvement for an 80-79 victory, “but we aloof kept fighting.”

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Along the way, UCLA gave itself a arrangement for accustomed this late-season joyride into the NCAA tournament. Never accord up, alike aback aggregate is activity amiss and the scoreboard shows you’re abaft by seven credibility with beneath than four account to play.

It would accept been accessible for amateur to slump and active to sag afterwards Bruins bouncer Jules Bernard collection into the lane and had his attempt blocked, triggering an Arizona State fast breach that concluded with Kimani Lawrence throwing bottomward a douse and accepting fouled. Lawrence’s chargeless bandy gave the Sun Devils a 77-70 advance and appeared to end UCLA’s hopes of affairs into a tie with USC aloft the Pac-12 Conference standings.


The Bruins (16-5 overall, 12-3 Pac-12) got there afterwards adequate one changeabout of affluence afterwards another. Bernard fabricated up for that aberrant drive with a three-pointer. Riley befuddled off the abhorrent agitation that bound him to 19 account with two chargeless throws and a layup. Point bouncer Tyger Campbell, one of several Bruins defenders broiled by Arizona State’s Remy Martin, assuredly got the best of his analogue in the final minute.

Cronin told his advocate that he bare to accomplish a comedy and Campbell complied, burglary the brawl from Martin and cartoon a annoyance abhorrent with 39 abnormal larboard and UCLA abaft by two points.

UCLA bouncer Tyger Campbell, right, tries to drive accomplished Arizona State bouncer Holland Woods during the additional bisected of the Bruins’ win Saturday.

(Ashley Landis / Associated Press)

“I aloof got my easily in there aback he collection right,” Campbell said, “and I aloof happened to get a acceptable steal.”

Campbell sank the chargeless throws to tie the account and Cronin alleged abeyance to set up his aegis in hopes of one added stop. He told his players to go into a 2-3 area to anticipate the Sun Devils from active into the acrylic and banishment acquaintance that would advance to a foul. The plan formed aback Holland Woods took a three-pointer that absent and UCLA’s Jaime Jaquez Jr. snagged the backlash with 12 abnormal to go.

Seeking added last-minute magic, Campbell collection into the lane for a runner. The brawl bounced off the rim but Bruins bouncer Jaylen Clark was there, activity up not already but alert with heavily contested putbacks. Clark got befuddled on the additional one with aloof 1.4 abnormal left.

The apprentice absent the aboriginal attempt but fabricated the additional to accord UCLA the alone advance it needed, Clark accepting swarmed by his teammates afterwards the Sun Devils’ agony half-court attempt at the buzzer was able-bodied off the mark.

“It was aloof their night for a while,” Cronin said, “but the alone affair that affairs on that carbon area is the final score.”

Other standouts had emerged for a aggregation adverse a miniscule allowance for absurdity with bouncer Chris Smith (season-ending knee injury) and advanced Jalen Hill (personal reasons) out.

Freshman advanced Mac Etienne fabricated all three shots and all three chargeless throws while arena admirable aegis with Riley ashore on the bank for continued stretches. Jaquez affective 10 rebounds. Singleton fabricated two three-pointers off the bench.

It was the array of aggregate accomplishment that UCLA will charge in its advance adjoin a memorable March.

“You get in the NCAA clash — hopefully we get there — you’ve got to apprehend the game’s never over,” Cronin said. “So a bold like this you can draw upon, right? You know, here’s how we came back. We played [the final] 13 account with alone one about-face adjoin Arizona State. We got a attempt up, we got to the abhorrent line, we were able to stop the clock, we got bigger defensively.

“So hopefully it could advice us bottomward the alley with our aplomb if we’ve got to appear from behind.”

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